So very few can master the theory and fewer still can afford proper equipment and end up exceeding the bandwidth limit. And don't you dare experiment with amateur radio because that's not what it's for. Those who want to broadcast hi-fi audio should get jobs with broadcast stations.

Unless the filters in your receiver have 6 kHz or more bandwidth in SSB mode some only do on AMyou won't be able to tell much difference.Īl42 Member. I'll have to spend some time reading the website more thuroughly. It sounded like they were only trying it on 20M.

The author's website said it wouldn't sound that much different on standard setup equipment, but I've heard some big differences between many of the amateurs I've been listening to. Now I have to save some more money for the HF station of my dreams. Thread starter poltergeisty Start date May 2, Status Not open for further replies.Ĭheck this out.

For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I'm now using the AT also by Audio Technica.Forums New posts Search forums. Fotis, Long time no hear Just to follow up to see how you make out with the ATR30 mic? Then, I 'll let you know my comparison tests. I am very curious about the ATR 30 so I ordered it. Both of them are very good and perform fantastic with external gear connected to my Orion II. The other one, that I use alot in the Studio, usually for vocals is the PR Try the new AT microphone from Audio Technica. These two mics are two of my favorite all time dynamic mics in the Universe. I use rode Broadcaster, and Heil Heritage ages ago. Get ready for a very pleasant surprise! NA1A ages ago. I got good results from them but tell you what I fully agreed with AD5MD. What is your opinion of the "b What is the best mic you've used for ESSB? In my almost 22 years of being a ham I've tried a lo of microphones from the Astatic, Turner, Shure, Icom, Yaesu, Kenwood and the Heil line of microphens. Sorry for my spelling that was from the phone, How do you feed the audio in to the Sun? It is a way better solution as no RF is getting it to the shack and changes in the setting can be done with a simple mouse click, not like before hundred of knobs and menu levels.Everyone has what they feel is the "best" sound. I will post the finished results of the radio config after I can put a bit more time into it. I just finished setting up my audio yesterday but have yet to try it on the air. I have sold nearly all of my external processing gear. Now we talking lads I want more! Daniel thank you for the sample nice one. Attachments: Record Last Edit: 25 Oct by 3z9am. Here is an example of my signal from sunsdrpro2 broadcast in Poland received in Germany but I mark these are the first attempts with the signal to essb still far. Couple videos on the Youtube demonstrate receiving audio but did not see any about transmitting audio. I have search internet for audio samples but unfortunately without success. Hi Kevin, Thank you very much for the info.

Preferred connection Mic1 or Mic2 or other How do you VooDoo? The administrator has disabled public write access. Forgot your password? Forgot your username? Create an account. Diagram based acdelco alternator wiring diagram.